HOW TO TRACK YOUR DATA USAGE ON AT&T’S WEBSITE I think the best and most easy way to check your data usage for your iPhone is to check it directly from AT&T’s website. You will get a nice graph showing the last 6 months of data activity, making it clear for you to see when and on what you used through your 3G or EDGE data connection. This graph doesn’t include all data transferred over Wi-Fi network connections as this is not part of your AT&T data plan. That means you will never be charged for downloading/uploading as much as you want from your iPhone over Wi-Fi. HOW TO CHECK YOUR DATA USAGE WITH AT&T'S MY WIRELESS APP AT&T has a free app in the App Store named myWireless which gives you important information such as how many voice minutes or SMS you’ve used, the app will also let you see how much data you’ve used for the current billing period. I think that’s a great way to track your AT&T data usage on the go directly from your iPhone. ...